Friday, November 30, 2012

Origami by Phillip Chapman-Bell

Phillip Chapman-Bell is an origami artist hailing from Northampton, Massachusetts, "where the coffee is strong and so are the women," quoted from a Northampton parking garage sign. Chapman-Bell's origami focuses less on tessellations and is more inspired by towers, goblets, bowls, and flutes, but isn't wary of natural shapes like shells and flowers. He is a master with paper pleating, and likes to incorporate photographs and text in these pleats. A favorite of mine that he loaned to the Jaffe Center is a vase-shaped structure titled No, Not That One, where he incorporates a section of John Keats poem Ode on Melancholy into the piece. 

Chapman-Bell has a wit and playfulness to him that is apparent in his work. He states, "I'm an origami designer and human resources drudge living in Massachusetts. Aside from origami, my interests include udon noodles, 18th century novels, regular expressions, neo-English verse and smiting Republicans with blunt objects and/or witty satire.

(Clarification: the last item refers to a John Hopkins stud which found that four out of five forensic pathologists could not distinguish my prose style from a croquet mallet. I can't say that I agree with their research method- logical regression, indeed-but what can one do? They're the ones with the DOD grant money)

And I probably should mention my deep and abiding enthusiasm for open source origami. Clever catchphrase du jour: It isn't origami until you share it."

No, Not That One
And sharing he does. Chapman-Bell has over 600 photos of his work on the origami site Curved Folding, and it's all fantastic. Also, check out his blog, The Fitful Flog.

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